A true mom video clip. If you're offended by boobage flashing or a nursing kid, don't click!
Nursing on the go
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Not offended, so much as at work.
Yeah, maybe wait til you get home. I don't want you bringing home your stuff in a cardboard box over my blog.
How does she stay up? I'd be afraid of falling over onto the kid.
...the comments make me curious, and a little afraid. Curse my at-work-edness!
man... that was hilarious! My kids were like : "gross"!!!
Erron and I watched it together, it was hilarious! How did I go from a guy who would say, "check it out, boobies!" to "awww, that's so sweet, he's nursing..." Oh yes, it's fatherhood.
other kids vomiting vegetables, you say?
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