14 October 2005

My life as a stay-at-home mom is busy. Not too terribly fast-paced or stressful, but it fills the hours from sunrise til sunset every day.

Today I faced the dilemma of possibly choosing a new grocery store. My possible switch may come not as a result of intensive price-comparing or even in pursuit of better customer service. No, I think I'll switch because the Sobey's bags fit into my garbage can better than Safeway's. Oh the drama that is my life.

I had a fun conversation this evening with the flyer girl. She delivers the Edmonton Examiner on Wednesdays (which I receive maybe once a month if I'm lucky) and flyers on Fridays. I happened to have my head stuck out the door tonight when she came by. She asked if I could tie Jack up "or something" because he can jump up high enough to put his front paws on the fence. Umm...excuse me? We moved our mailbox (rather, Liam did) to the outside of our fence so that we could receive our mail and junkmail without worrying about people encountering the obstacle that is Jack.

I explained to Flyer Girl that the mail man manages to leave us our mail each day without a problem. I realize that a 20 lb dog on the opposite side of a 4-foot fence presents quite the fearsome sight, but somehow he braves it. Her response was a blank stare tinged with frustration. I told her I would not be tying up my dog for flyers and closed my door. Bite me grumpy dog-fearer.

The excitement of this domestic life is almost too much for me.


Anonymous said...

Just in case you don't check your email maybe you'll see this here for the clothing sale tomorrow:

Edmonton Twin & Triplet Club
Saturday, October 15th, 2005
7524 139 Ave
Northgate Lions Recreation Centre
Member’s only shopping 11am to 1pm
Public shopping 1-4pm

Anonymous said...

You're mean. But your blog is better than Liam's


KimLiving said...

Mine's better because I'm cooler.

Oh, and I actually write in it.

Liam J. said...

I can't compete with "Dog-fearer" now, can I?

And yes, she is very, very mean.

tfjddwu: thanks for just doing dishes without underwear

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