03 September 2014

 As I had mentioned in an earlier post, I'd ordered a new Filofax for better organization and portfolio building in the homeschool aspect of our lives. Today was the day that I picked up my parcel and got the ball rolling!

My pretty, a raspberry Finsbury

I didn't get too far with actually building up the sections, partly because I was fighting with my ultra finicky printer and partly because I was actually fulfilling my to do list of the day and cleaning the kitchen and the van. I did manage to put together a pretty cover page with some scrapbooking supplies though!
"New discoveries" and "Remember these days filled with joy and laughter as you will carry them forever" seemed like fitting homeschool stickers.
 As a sort of extension for this getting organized kick, I used my alone time while the kids were at Scouts to pick up a couple of things to build an organization station. I printed out a blank routine sheet and filled in some morning and evening routine items for the last two days of the week. Below this I wrote a rotating schedule for which kid is doing breakfast/supper table setting/clearing. Beside this I have a small corkboard where I'm thinking I could post pieces of kid art and info the kids might find interesting or relevant to something they're learning.

In the times where I've provided the kids with clearly written routines I've had more cooperation with getting things done. I'm hopeful that this appealing visual reminder will get us all in the right mindset and help us to stay on top of things.


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