Holy Hell, is writing a post about me every difficult. I was going for a theme of touching on each of our family members and tonight's post was supposed to round things out by being about me.
I typed, then I deleted. Then I typed a bunch more and deleted even more than I just wrote.
It's far too late and I'm far too hot and sticky to be bothered with trying so hard. Plus, the never-ending growling of my belly and the air conditioner in the living room are pulling my brain away from here.
Instead, I'll write briefly about my day. Today was a great rarity, a total Kim day.
The kids headed out the door with my parents at 10 for a day of country fun and Capital Ex insanity. I was completely on my own, with Liam working from the office and no plans for the day. Normally when I have a chunk of time to myself like this I get my butt in gear and accomplish something major like overhauling the homeschool room or deep cleaning the upstairs, but somehow this baby belly and I just weren't up to anything quite so grand.
I largely spent the day relaxing and eating and reading and watching TV. To have done this and be able to admit it and be ok with it is a big thing for me. Just ask Liam.
I spent a lot of time reflecting on my baby and his/her upcoming arrival. I pulled out my singing bowl and my basket of stones. I reconnected with the rock that I found by the river shortly before Lily's birth. It's the most incredible rock. It sort of looks like a child's foot and it fits perfectly in my hand. It makes life better.
Around suppertime I headed off to my second acupuncture appointment. It was lovely and I felt myself feeling even more at peace. My acupuncturist is a really great lady and it was nice to spend some time with her.
By the time I headed home I felt myself letting go of my frustrations about how long this pregnancy is lingering. It's ok that I'm pregnant. Baby's still growing and kicking and doing well and I'm physically feeling better than I have in weeks. I'm where I should be and baby and I are doing what we should be doing. And that's enough.
Except for the food part of life. I need more of that right now.
Hello world!
1 year ago
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