Shortly after moving into our house, we converted what is meant to be the master bedroom off the kitchen into a playroom for the kids. It suited us better to have everyone sleeping upstairs and a play area in the main living area for the kids.
As anyone who has been to our house knows, the playroom typically looks like...well, a typical playroom. It gets played in, stuff gets dumped into it, and the mess grows quickly.
Last night, the kids headed to my parents' house for the night and Olivia and I started decluttering the playroom. I ended up working on it for an hour or so last night and then most of today. In the end, I had 11 garbage bags of stuff pulled out of it and I finished just in before the kids got home.
It was the most satisfying cleaning I've done in ages, both because of how much I got accomplished and because I had in my mind that I was creating a beautiful space for my family. The typical resentment, frustration, and overwhelm when I tackle that room disappeared when I set family happiness as my goal. It made it super easy to toss stuff into bags too. I didn't worry about how much items has cost or who had given them to us. If they didn't fit into the context of a happy space, out they went!
When the kids came home they totally flipped out over the room. It hasn't looked anything like this since early in my pregnancy with Olivia. Lily screamed and then fell over. Nick kept jumping and yelling and acting like a total goof. It made a Mama happy and totally validated my work.
Here's what the room looks like now. Liam, by the way, is not beating Lily up even though it looks like he is. They're reading a book. Promise.
See? There's the book. Dollhouse and random toys on the far wall.
Craft table:
Games and some toys in the closet:
Bookshelves! I culled quite a few, if you can believe it.
Reading area next to the bookshelves. There was another chair here earlier but someone peed in it. I'll let you guess who.
Someone made a mess...
Looks awesome!!!
You give me hope for the future (that one can accomplish things again-- someday ;-)) Excellent job, Mama!
I love the way you aproached cleaning the space, that it was about creating a happy environment for your family (rather than who bought it, what it cost). That is such a good point, I am totally remembering that next time I'm doing a clean/purge!
And the room looks amazing, well done Kim!
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