Here, instead, is a brief glimpse into the love affair I'm enjoying with my wrap. It's a Merry Carry that I purchased from my dear friends at Tadpoles and Butterflies.
First some pictures. Right off the bat, we have a shot love the lovely Olivia enjoying a wrap-induced snuggle a few hours after her birth:
My activities while wearing Olivia in the wrap these past couple of weeks include:
- eating
- sleeping
- blogging
- sweeping the kitchen
- cleaning the toilet
- riding the bus
- buying groceries
- going for a walk while Lily rides her bike
- chilling at Folk Fest
- preparing meals (I was going to say cooking, but that's a bit of a strong term for the food prep I've been doing lately)
- doing laundry
For anyone who's interested in reading more about the benefits of babywearing, here's a list of informative links from The BabyWearer.
That is actually quite cool! You get both hands free instead of having to hold the baby all the time.
It's fantastic. I think I would literally get nothing done during this newborn stage if it weren't for babywearing. Olivia is a typical newborn and sleeps soundest when cozied up to my chest, and there's only so much I can do with one hand. There's also the issue of the overly-enthusiastic big sister who I can't quite trust to be alone with her...
Oh, and an update for all those of you who were holding your breath: I've nailed breastfeeding while babywearing a newborn. We've successfully nursed in the wrap, the Mei Tai, and the sling. Woo!
I read bowling instead of blogging. Man I thought what kind of crazy woman goes bowling so soon, and I don't think that's safe even if it is a fairly secure wrap. :) Good to know you're not bowling and baby wearing.
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